The following videos are just a small selection of many more resources that people have found helpful as they have journeyed through life on their way to pursuing a heart for Jesus via striving to grow in the fullness of virtue (and chastity), as understood by the Church. These are listed not as an exhaustive list, and our hope is that the ideas within propel people in their journeys to becoming the best version of themselves that they can be, which can help prepare any person for the potentiality of holy vocation.

Personal Aspects – Basics of the Brain and Mindset
1. Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
2. A GROWTH Mindset vs. a FIXED Mindset With Mental Health
3. Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
4. The Mindset of a Champion | Carson Byblow | TEDxYouth@AASSofia
5. Deliberate Practice: Achieve Mastery in Anything
6. How to Change Bad Habits and Become a Better You
7. How I Tricked My Brain To Like Doing Hard Things (dopamine detox)
8. Neuroplasticity, Animation
9. Neuroplasticity
10. The Workings of the Adolescent Brain
11. To overcome challenges, stop comparing yourself to others | Dean Furness
12. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
13. The Truth About Comparing Yourself to Others
14. Modern Culture Is Traumatizing and NOT Normal! With Dr. Gabor Maté 

Personal Aspects – Psychological/Neurological Considerations, Trauma and ACES
1. Stress Response – Fight or Flight, Freeze or Fawn
2. Fight Flight Freeze Fawn: Really Understand Your Stress Response ~ Mental Health 101 Kati Morton
3. The Freeze Response and Sexual Assault: PTSD and Trauma Recovery #2
4. Stuck In Freeze: Trauma And Your Nervous System
5. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Impact on brain, body and behaviour
6. How Trauma Changes Your Thinking
7. How the body keeps the score on trauma | Bessel van der Kolk for Big Think+
8. The Body Keeps the Score
9. #EIE23: Jonathan Haidt: Smartphones vs. Smart Kids – YouTube
10. How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction – Gabor Maté
11. How Our Childhood Shapes Every Aspect of Our Health with Dr. Gabor Maté | FBLM Podcast

Personal Aspects – Self-Regulation
1. The Marshmallow Test
2. Healing Trauma by Peter Levine: Resolving the Trapped Fight/Flight/Freeze Response: PTSD Recovery #3
3. How to Turn off the Fight/Flight/Freeze Response: Anxiety Skills #4
4. Are You Stuck in Freeze Mode? How to Turn off the Freeze Response
5. Why Practicing Can Help with Emotional Regulation
6. Self-Regulation Skills: Why They Are Fundamental
7. Self-Regulation Techniques for Children
8. How to be more disciplined (animated short story)
9. How to Build Self-Discipline: The Mindset Method
10. Struggling with Self Discipline?
11. Why You Catastrophize and How To Stop It
12. Catastrophizing: How to Stop Making Yourself Depressed and Anxious: Cognitive Distortion Skill #6
13. Intrusive Thoughts and Overthinking: The Skill of Cognitive Defusion 20/30

Personal Aspects – Physical Health and Well-Being
1. How sugar affects the brain – Nicole Avena2. Why sitting is bad for you – Murat Dalkilinç3. The benefits of good posture – Murat Dalkilinç4. YOU Have BAD Posture!!! (3 Signs and How To Fix Easily)
5. How To Have Good Posture While Walking- Bulletproof Tips!
6. How To Correct Your Posture – 5 Home Exercises To Fix Your Posture
7. Fix Hunchback Posture While You Sleep (UPDATED)

Relational Aspects – Attachments & Anxieties
1. Window of Tolerance
2. Window of Tolerance and Emotional Regulation (Dr Dan Siegel)
3. Window of Tolerance – English version | Augeo Foundation & Stichting Kinderpostzegels
4. The Window of Tolerance and emotional regulation
5. The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life
6. What Is Your Attachment Style?
7. Attachment theory: How Childhood Effects Relationships
8. Revealing Signs of Insecure or Anxious Attachment: How CBT Can Help
9. 20 Signs You’re Emotionally Mature
10. Why are we so attached to our things? – Christian Jarrett

Relational Aspects – Narcissism, Sociopathy, & Psychopathy
1. The Mind Of A Covert Narcissist | What To Look For
2. Are you a narcissist? 8 common traits of narcissism
3. 8 Signs Your Mom is a Narcissist and Children of Narcissistic Parents
4. When narcissists know YOU know…
5. Narcissism | What You MUST Know
6. Psychopath or Sociopath | What You Need to Know

Relational Aspects – Resentment, Anger, Bitterness, etc.
1. How To Overcome Resentment, Anger, Bitterness (4 Steps) – Catholic Speaker Ken Yasinski 
2. What You Can Control
3. Persevering from Bitterness to Sweetness: Lessons from St. Francis

Relational Aspects – Friendship & Boundaries
1. The friendship recession | Richard Reeves
2. LIES About Adult FRIENDSHIP And The TRUTH You Need To Hear | The Mel Robbins Podcast
3. Why Traumatized People Struggle With Friendships (and How You Can Heal)
4. The Crisis of Connection For Adolescent Boys – Niobe Way
5. 8 Signs of a Toxic Friendship | Sharon Livingston | TEDxWilmingtonWomen
6. When Do Friendships Expire And How to End Them | Kati Morton
7. How to stop people pleasing and set authentic boundaries while staying kind: Gabor Maté
8. Identifying Bad Friendships


Would you like to suggest another impactful video? Please email it to us for consideration!