The following videos are just a small selection of many more that people have found helpful as they have journeyed through life on their way to pursuing a heart for Jesus via striving to grow in the fullness of virtue (and chastity), as understood by the Church. These are listed not as an exhaustive list, and our hope is that the ideas within propel people in their journeys to becoming the best version of themselves that they can be, which will prepare them for the potentiality of holy vocation.

Note: Books/CDs/DVDs are listed in the last section.

Faith Aspects – Expanding Our Imaginations about Relationships and Sexuality
1. Jason Evert on Catholic Chastity | The Augustine Institute Show with Dr. Tim Gray
2. Jason & Crystalina Evert – Romance Without Regret
3. ROM16: Male and Female He Created Them by Christopher West
4. Christopher West on Sex, God, Beauty, and the Theology of the Body
5. Day 308: Same-Sex Attraction — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
6. Fr. Mike Schmitz | Love and Same Sex Attraction
7. Responding to Fr. James Martin on Homosexuality w/ Fr. Mike Schmitz
8. Addressing Transgenderism the Correct Way w/ Jason Evert | The Lila Rose Podcast E42
9. How To: Loving Those With Same-Sex Attraction | Kim Zember
10. Identity in Christ: More Than Just Gay | Fr. Mike Schmitz
11. The Catholic Guide to Gender Theory | Jason Evert
12. Jason Evert | SEEK22 | How to Be a Man
13. Jason Evert | Masculinity Restored | Steubenville Florida Youth Conference

Faith Aspects – Personal Testimonies/Interviews (in no particular order)
1. Sexuality, Gender, & Discovering Catholicism (Hudson’s Story)
2. Transformations – Hudson’s Story
3. Freedom from the homosexual lifestyle | Kim Zember | Encounter Conference 2019
4. Freedom After a Homosexual Lifestyle w/ Kim Zember
5. Leaving the Homosexual Lifestyle w/ Kim Zember | The Lila Rose Podcast E38
6. Taking Back the Rainbow with Kim Zember | The Lila Rose Podcast E55
7. Homosexuality, Gender, and Hope w/Hudson Byblow
8. Catholicism and Gay Pride w/ Hudson Byblow
9. Healing After a Homosexual Lifestyle In Seminary w/ Marco Casanova
10. Your Compulsions DO NOT Define You (with Marco Casanova of Desert Stream Ministries)
11. Kim Zember: Identity, Companionship, and God’s Calling 
12. How I Found Freedom After a Homosexual Lifestyle 
13. Leaving an LGBTQ Identity for Christ | Kim Zember


Faith Aspects – Letters from Bishops, Bishop Conferences, etc. since 2016 
10. Declaration Fiducia Supplicans On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings
Commentary: Blessing Same-Sex Couples: A Summary & Clarification – Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar
Commentary: Same-Sex Blessings? There’s ONE problem (Jason Evert)
Commentary: ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ does not change perennial church teaching
10b. Dicastery for Doctrine of the Faith clarifies application of ‘Fiducia supplicans’
9. Letter from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, WI (2022)
8. Letter from Bishop Bryan Bayda, Eparchy of Toronto, Canada (2021)
7. Letter from Bishop Burbidge, Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, USA (2021)
6. Letter from Archbishop Marcel Damphouse, for Ottawa Catholic School Board (2021)
5. Letter from the Pontifical Council for Catholic Education, Vatican (2019) Above document affirms Catholic Anthropology and while encouraging dialogue and acceptance of persons while not allowing compromise on the teaching, bending towards gender ideology.
4. Encyclical of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) (2019)
3. Letter from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) (2017)
2. From Amoris Laetitia, (#56), Pope Francis (2016)
In above document, the Holy Father is very clear about the dangers of this ideology: “It is a source of concern that some ideologies of this sort, which seek to respond to what are at times understandable aspirations, manage to assert themselves as absolute and unquestionable, even dictating how children should be raised. It needs to be emphasized that “biological sex and the socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated.” (Emphasis added – please be aware of those who untether sex and gender.)
Encyclical of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) (2016)


Doctrinally Orthodox, Vetted Catholic Ministries/Organizations/Speakers (in no particular order)
1. Ascension (Ascension Press)
2. Augustine Institute / Lighthouse Catholic Media /FORMED
3. Courage International / Truth and Love
4. Ruah Woods Institute (Educational Resources)
5. Catholic Answers
6. Theology of the Body Institute (Christopher West)
7. Chastity Project (Jason Evert)
8. EWTN / National Catholic Register
9. Desert Stream Ministries
10. Person and Identity Project
11. Thomistic Institute (Aquinas 101)
12. Ken Yasinski – Catholic Speaker
13. Prof. Janet E. Smith

BOOKS/CDs/DVDs (In No Particular Order)
1. Made for Love – Fr. Mike Schmitz
2. How to Find your Soul Mate Without Losing Your Soul – Jason Evert
3. The Good News about Sex and Marriage – Christopher West
4. Man and Woman He Created Them – Saint Pope John Paul II
5. Male, Female, Other – Jason Evert
6. To Save A Thousand Souls – Fr. Brett Brannen
7. Naked Without Shame: A Crash Course in the Theology of the Body – Christopher West (10 CD Set)
8. Transgenderism: A Surgeon’s Perspective – Dr. Patrick Lappert (Lighthouse Catholic Media)
9. In Pursuit of My Identity – Hudson Byblow (Lighthouse Catholic Media), also in Spanish
10. Living the Truth In Love: Pastoral Approaches to Same-Sex Attraction – Prof. Janet E. Smith
11. Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues – Leila Miller and Trent Horn
12. Spiritual Friendship (Aelred of Rievaulx)




If you do not see a resource on this list, it does not mean that we have vetted it to be not included. That being said, there are ample Ministries/Organizations specifically not listed for the reason that they either do not use the language of the Church as it is intended by the Church, or because they advance positions that are decisively counter to the faith as described within the Catechism of the Catholic Church. If you have questions/concerns about a particular Ministry/Organization/Speaker, or would like to see one added, email us.

Would you like to suggest another impactful resource? Please email it to us for consideration!